Probate & Estate

in Pennsylvania and New Jersey

Real Estate

Probate & Estate Management in Pennsylvania and New Jersey

Joseph Console is an experienced probate attorney in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, he offers assistance to individuals grappling with the complexities of managing an estate after the loss of a family member or loved one. Whether you’re tasked with navigating through the intricacies of the estate, scrutinizing the will, or ensuring a smooth distribution of assets, our office is ready to provide support. Our office adeptly guides clients through the legal procedures involved, facilitating (as prompt as possible) resolution of estates.

Many individuals may not realize that probate is a standard procedure for most estates, even with a valid will in place the process is still required to some degree.  Probate is essential for allowing creditors to assert their claims before the estate’s assets are distributed. Creditors are allotted a specific time frame to file claims, after which assets can be distributed to beneficiaries.While not required, everyone can greatly benefit from having a will, as it ensures that their assets are distributed according to their wishes rather than being subject to governmental decisions.

What does a Probate and Estate Attorney do?

Our office provides guidance on managing estate debts in compliance with Pennsylvania state laws. Creditors retain the right to make claims against an estate, and understanding if there are more debts than there are assets, there is a specific order that those debts need to be paid in. Even if you are making payments in good faith, you could be accidentally violating the law by paying the wrong ones in the wrong order.
Finally, depending on the size of the estate and heirs, taxes may be old. Our office can give you advice on whether or not taxes are likely to be due. The vast majority of estates don’t have to pay any federal estate taxes but if it looks like the estate is nearing the threshold, it is important to consult an attorney right away so you can get assistance with what can be done to best deal with and help minimize potential debt.

We offer a free case evaluation to all potential clients.

Practice Areas

Real Estate

Zoning & Land Use

Probate & Estate Admin



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